Learn how to customize Gatsby's GraphQL schema to query data from multiple sources efficiently in this informative article.Gatsby 5: How to query data from multiple GraphQL sources2023-09-15 in Front-end tagged Frontend / Gatsby / GraphQL / JavaScript / React / Static Site / Web by Marc Nuri
Code snippet to verify if a JavaScript Array contains duplicate entries.How to check if an array contains duplicate values in JavaScript?2022-01-16 in JavaScript tagged JavaScript / Quickie by Marc Nuri
Gatsby enables source map generation by default even in production mode, learn how to conditionally disable source maps for production environment.Gatsby: Disable source maps in production2019-07-27 in Front-end tagged Frontend / Gatsby / JavaScript / React / Static Site / Web / Webpack by Marc Nuri
Follow-up on my previous post where I prepared a ReactJS application from scratch using Webpack+Babel to support Sass. Now using Babel 7 and its new features.React: Babel 7 support in boilerplate application2019-03-16 in Front-end tagged Babel / Frontend / JavaScript / Node / npm / React / Sass / SCSS / Webpack by Marc Nuri
The tutorial shows how to install all node dependencies and how to setup Webpack 4 and Babel to create a basic React application. The last section shows how to add support for Sass (SCSS) using global styles and per component styles using CSS modules.React : Babel + Webpack + Sass boilerplate application2018-07-08 in Front-end tagged Babel / Frontend / JavaScript / Node / npm / React / Sass / SCSS / Webpack by Marc Nuri
How to serve an Angular (>2) using Spring Boot as the Backend, and a Gradle script to perform automated build and deploy tasks both for Spring and Angular.Angular + Spring Boot integration using Gradle2017-07-24 in Java / Front-end tagged Angular / Backend / Build / CI / Frontend / Gradle / Initializr / Java / JavaScript / Spring Framework / Spring Boot by Marc Nuri
Learn what an Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) is and how to use it in JavaScript.What is an Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)?2011-02-19 in JavaScript tagged JavaScript / Frontend by Marc Nuri