Java 10 was released the past 20th of March following the new tight six-month release schedule. This version comes just after the Java 9 release on September 2017 and marks this past release obsolete. This post shows some of the new features available in Java 10.Java 10: Testing the new release2018-03-31 in Java / Legacy tagged Java / Java 10 by Marc Nuri
This post shows how to use Java Streams introduced in Java 8 to obtain a Map from a List using the method Collectors.toMap.Java 8 Streams: Convert List into Map2018-03-30 in Java tagged Collector / Java / Java 8 / List / Map / Streams by Marc Nuri
In this post we'll see how to define custom spring-data repository methods and their implementation for a book repository in MongoDB and how to write unit tests to check this custom implementation.Spring Data MongoDB: Custom repository implementation2018-03-09 in Java tagged Java / MongoDB / Spring Framework / Spring Boot / Spring Data / Testing by Marc Nuri