Introduction to Spring MVC testing framework, highlighting the advantages of using MockMvc instead of regular unit tests. The post shows three ways of setting up MockMvc and how using standaloneSetup has the advantages of unit and integration testing.MockMvc – Spring MVC testing framework introduction: Testing Spring endpoints2018-06-02 in Java tagged Agile / Automation / JUnit / Mockito / MockMVC / REST / Spring Framework / Spring Boot / Testing by Marc Nuri
How to configure the Spring Boot HTTP application server port using the `server.port` property.'Spring Boot: How to change the application port?2018-05-12 in Java tagged Java / Spring Framework / Spring Boot / Quickie by Marc Nuri
This post shows how to solve the scoped bean injection problems that arises when injecting a Prototype scoped Bean into a Singleton scoped Bean. It shows the different approaches to solve the problem and the advantages and disadvantages for each of them.Spring Bean Scopes: Singleton with Prototypes2018-05-11 in Java tagged Bean / Java / Scopes / SOLID / Spring Framework / Spring Boot / Testing by Marc Nuri
Blog post showing the different Scopes available in Spring Framework with code demonstrating the use of each of them. Tests included.Spring Bean Scopes: Guide to understand the different Bean scopes2018-04-30 in Java tagged Bean / Java / Scopes / Spring Framework / Spring Boot / Testing by Marc Nuri
In this post we'll see how to define custom spring-data repository methods and their implementation for a book repository in MongoDB and how to write unit tests to check this custom implementation.Spring Data MongoDB: Custom repository implementation2018-03-09 in Java tagged Java / MongoDB / Spring Framework / Spring Boot / Spring Data / Testing by Marc Nuri
How to serve an Angular (>2) using Spring Boot as the Backend, and a Gradle script to perform automated build and deploy tasks both for Spring and Angular.Angular + Spring Boot integration using Gradle2017-07-24 in Java / Front-end tagged Angular / Backend / Build / CI / Frontend / Gradle / Initializr / Java / JavaScript / Spring Framework / Spring Boot by Marc Nuri
Using EclipseLink as the persistence JPA provider in Spring applications. This tutorial shows how to configure Spring-Boot application to use EclipseLink.Spring Data JPA + EclipseLink: Configuring Spring-Boot to use EclipseLink as the JPA provider2015-12-07 in Java tagged Apache Tomcat / Eclipse / EclipseLink / Hibernate / JDBC / JPA / Spring Boot / Spring Data / Spring Framework / Tomcat by Marc Nuri