Isotope Mail: How to deploy Isotope+Traefik into Kubernetes
Isotope mail client is a free open source webmail application and one of the side projects in which I invested my spare time during the last year. You can read more about Isotope’s features in a previous blog post.
Although there is still no official release, the application is quite stable and usable. In this post, I will show you how to deploy the application to a Kubernetes cluster. For the purpose of the tutorial I’ve used minikube + kubectl, but the same steps should be reproducible in a real K8s cluster.
Traefik v1
Despite it’s not part of the implementation, Traefik (or any other alternative) is one of the main pieces of the deployment as it will act as the API gateway (reverse-proxy) and route the requests to the appropriate Isotope component/service.
The first step is to create an Ingress controller for Traefik (if there isn’t any in the cluster yet). We will follow Traefik’s official documentation to create the new Ingress controller.
Role Based Access Control configuration (Kubernetes 1.6+ only)
Starting from 1.6 Kubernetes has introduced Role Based Access Control (RBAC) to allow more granular access control to resources based on the roles of individual users.
In order to allow Traefik to access global Kubernetes API, it’s necessary to create a ClusterRole and a ClusterRoleBinding.
2kind: ClusterRole
5 name: traefik-ingress-controller
7 - apiGroups:
8 - ""
9 resources:
10 - services
11 - endpoints
12 - secrets
13 verbs:
14 - get
15 - list
16 - watch
17 - apiGroups:
18 - extensions
19 resources:
20 - ingresses
21 verbs:
22 - get
23 - list
24 - watch
25 - apiGroups:
26 - extensions
27 resources:
28 - ingresses/status
29 verbs:
30 - update
32kind: ClusterRoleBinding
35 name: traefik-ingress-controller
37 apiGroup:
38 kind: ClusterRole
39 name: traefik-ingress-controller
41 - kind: ServiceAccount
42 name: traefik-ingress-controller
43 namespace: kube-system
45apiVersion: v1
46kind: ServiceAccount
48 name: traefik-ingress-controller
49 namespace: kube-system
1kubectl apply -f

Deploy Traefik using a DaemonSet
The next step is to deploy Traefik ingress controller using a DaemonSet.
If you follow Traefik’s official documentation, you’ll see you can also achieve this using a Deployment. For the sake of this tutorial and as we are using Minikube, we will use a DaemonSet because it’s easier to configure and to expose with Minikube (Minikube has problems to assign external IPs to ingresses using Traefik ingress controller deployed using a Deployment).
2kind: DaemonSet
3apiVersion: apps/v1
5 name: traefik-ingress-controller
6 namespace: kube-system
7 labels:
8 k8s-app: traefik-ingress-lb
10 selector:
11 matchLabels:
12 k8s-app: traefik-ingress-lb
13 template:
14 metadata:
15 labels:
16 k8s-app: traefik-ingress-lb
17 name: traefik-ingress-lb
18 spec:
19 serviceAccountName: traefik-ingress-controller
20 terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60
21 containers:
22 - image: traefik:v1.7
23 name: traefik-ingress-lb
24 ports:
25 - name: http
26 containerPort: 80
27 hostPort: 80
28 - name: admin
29 containerPort: 8080
30 hostPort: 8080
31 securityContext:
32 capabilities:
33 drop:
34 - ALL
35 add:
37 args:
38 - --api
39 - --kubernetes
40 - --logLevel=INFO
42kind: Service
43apiVersion: v1
45 name: traefik-ingress-service
46 namespace: kube-system
48 selector:
49 k8s-app: traefik-ingress-lb
50 ports:
51 - protocol: TCP
52 port: 80
53 name: web
54 - protocol: TCP
55 port: 8080
56 name: admin
1kubectl apply -f

Traefik UI
We can optionally create a Service and Ingress for the Traefik web UI dashboard in order to monitor the new Traefik DaemonSet deployment.
2apiVersion: v1
3kind: Service
5 name: traefik-web-ui
6 namespace: kube-system
8 selector:
9 k8s-app: traefik-ingress-lb
10 ports:
11 - name: web
12 port: 80
13 targetPort: 8080
15apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
16kind: Ingress
18 name: traefik-web-ui
19 namespace: kube-system
21 rules:
22 - host: traefik-ui.minikube
23 http:
24 paths:
25 - path: /
26 backend:
27 serviceName: traefik-web-ui
28 servicePort: web
1kubectl apply -f

It’s important to note that for the Ingress configuration we are using traefik-ui.minikube
as the public host. In a production environment, we would add a real hostname. An additional required step is to add the Kubernetes cluster IP (minikube ip
/ kubectl get ingress
) into our local hosts file (/etc/hosts
Finally, we can point our browser to traefik-ui.minikube to load Traefik’s dashboard.

The last step is to deploy Isotope.
2apiVersion: v1
3kind: Secret
5 name: isotope-secrets
6type: Opaque
8 encryptionPassword: U2VjcmV0SzhzUGFzd29yZA==
10kind: Deployment
11apiVersion: apps/v1
13 name: isotope-server
14 labels:
15 app: isotope
16 component: server
18 replicas: 1
19 selector:
20 matchLabels:
21 app: isotope
22 component: server
23 version: latest
24 template:
25 metadata:
26 labels:
27 app: isotope
28 component: server
29 version: latest
30 spec:
31 containers:
32 - name: isotope-server
33 image: marcnuri/isotope:server-latest
34 imagePullPolicy: Always
35 ports:
36 - containerPort: 9010
37 env:
39 valueFrom:
40 secretKeyRef:
41 name: isotope-secrets
42 key: encryptionPassword
43 livenessProbe:
44 httpGet:
45 path: /actuator/health
46 port: 9010
47 failureThreshold: 6
48 periodSeconds: 5
49 # Use startupProbe instead if your k8s version supports it
50 initialDelaySeconds: 60
51 readinessProbe:
52 httpGet:
53 path: /actuator/health
54 port: 9010
55 failureThreshold: 2
56 periodSeconds: 5
57# startupProbe:
58# httpGet:
59# path: /actuator/health
60# port: 9010
61# initialDelaySeconds: 20
62# failureThreshold: 15
63# periodSeconds: 10
65kind: Deployment
66apiVersion: apps/v1
68 name: isotope-client
69 labels:
70 app: isotope
71 component: client
73 replicas: 1
74 selector:
75 matchLabels:
76 app: isotope
77 component: client
78 version: latest
79 template:
80 metadata:
81 labels:
82 app: isotope
83 component: client
84 version: latest
85 spec:
86 containers:
87 - name: isotope-client
88 image: marcnuri/isotope:client-latest
89 imagePullPolicy: Always
90 ports:
91 - containerPort: 80
92 livenessProbe:
93 httpGet:
94 path: /favicon.ico
95 port: 80
96 failureThreshold: 6
97 periodSeconds: 5
99apiVersion: v1
100kind: Service
102 name: isotope-server
104 ports:
105 - name: http
106 targetPort: 9010
107 port: 80
108 selector:
109 app: isotope
110 component: server
112apiVersion: v1
113kind: Service
115 name: isotope-client
117 ports:
118 - name: http
119 targetPort: 80
120 port: 80
121 selector:
122 app: isotope
123 component: client
125apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
126kind: Ingress
128 name: isotope
129 annotations:
130 traefik
131 traefik.frontend.rule.type: PathPrefixStrip
133 rules:
134 - host: isotope.minikube
135 http:
136 paths:
137 - path: /
138 backend:
139 serviceName: isotope-client
140 servicePort: http
141 - path: /api
142 backend:
143 serviceName: isotope-server
144 servicePort: http
1kubectl apply -f

The first entry in the Yaml configuration is a Kubernetes Base64 encoded secret that will be used to set the encryption symmetric key in Isotope Server component.
Isotope Server Deployment
The next entry is the Deployment configuration for the Isotope Server component. As this deployment is more complex than the Client Deployment, basic common configurations for both components will be described in the next section (Isotope Client Deployment).
In the env section, we’re declaring the ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD
environment variable and assigning it the value of the Secret we declared in the previous step. This variable will be available to all Pods created by Kubernetes from this Deployment configuration, thus, all Pods will share the same encryption key and will be compatible.
We’re also defining two different probes so that Traefik and Kubernetes know when the Isotope Server Pods are ready and traffic can be routed to them. Liveness probe will be used to determine if the container is still alive. Otherwise, Kubernetes will restart the Pod as the application state is considered to be broken. We’re also using the initialDelaySeconds
because the application takes a couple of seconds to spin up and this way we’ll avoid false positives for the probe. If your Kubernetes version supports it, it’s better to define a startup probe instead of this initialDelaySeconds
A readiness probe is also defined in this section. This probe is similar to the liveness probe and will be used to indicate if the application is ready to receive traffic. If for some reason the application is temporarily not admitting traffic (max number of connections, etc.) the probe will set the application “down” but Kubernetes will not restart it.
For both probes, we’re using an HTTP request pointing to Spring Actuator’s health check endpoint which is available in Isotope Server component.
Isotope Client Deployment
Same as we did for the Server component, we’re now defining a Deployment for Isotope’s Client component.
In the spec
section we’re defining the number of replicas we want for our Pods, in this case, one. The selector property, although optional in previous API versions, is now mandatory and will be used by Kuberentes to determine the number of Pods actually running to spin up more replicas if necessary (they should match the labels in the template
The template
entry within the spec
section is used to define the Pod specifications. For Isotope Client we’re defining a Pod with a single container based on marcnuri/isotope:client-latest
Docker image exposing Http port.
As with the Isotope Server deployment, we define a simple liveness probe in case the Pod becomes unstable and reaches a broken state so that Kubernetes will automatically restart it.
The next section in the configuration defines a Service for each of the previous deployments (server/client) in order to expose them to the cluster.
To ease the Ingress definition in further steps, both Services will expose Http port (80).
The final section of the configuration defines an Ingress using the Ingress controller deployed in the first steps of the tutorial.
We are going to use isotope.minikube
as the public host, although in a production environment we should use a valid and real hostname. We will also need to add an additional entry in our /etc/hosts
Traffic reaching http://isotope.minikube/api
will be routed by Traefik to isotope-server service, traffic reaching http://isotope.minikube/
will be routed to isotope-client service.
The use of traefik.frontend.rule.type: PathPrefixStrip
configuration will remove /api
from the requests to isotope-server service, this way, no additional modifications or configurations will be necessary for Isotope Server component to be compatible with our deployment.
Traefik dashboard with Isotope
Once Isotope configuration is deployed, Traefik dashboard will automatically update and display the new routes for Isotope.

Isotope deployment
If everything went OK and Traefik dashboards display healthy Isotope components, we can now point our browser to http://isotope.minikube where Isotope will be ready and accessible.