Eclipse JKube 1.4.0 is available! Check out the major changes and learn how you can contribute.Eclipse JKube 1.4.0 is now available!2021-07-27 in Java tagged Eclipse / Eclipse JKube / Kubernetes / Open Source / OpenShift / Releases by Marc Nuri
This week (end of October 2020) marks my first year as a Red Hatter. I feel really lucky to be part of this awesome organization, especially because [...]A year at Red Hat2020-10-26 in Personal tagged RedHattiversary / Open Source / Red Hat by Marc Nuri
Getting started with Eclipse JKube to deploy your Java applications into the Cloud (Kubernetes / OpenShift).Eclipse JKube introduction: Java tools and plugins for Kubernetes and OpenShift2020-10-14 in Java tagged Eclipse / Eclipse JKube / Kubernetes / Open Source / OpenShift by Marc Nuri
This tutorial shows how to backup or migrate your IMAP e-mail account from one server to another. Including incremental periodic backups.Incremental E-Mail backup and migration using mnIMAPSync2015-11-25 in Java / Tools tagged Backup / E-Mail / Mail / Migration / Open Source / Tutorial by Marc Nuri