Eclipse JKube 1.4.0 is now available!
On behalf of the Eclipse JKube team and everyone who has contributed, I'm happy to announce that Eclipse JKube 1.4.0
has been released and is now available from Maven Central 🎉.
Thanks to all of you who have contributed with issue reports, pull requests, feedback, and spreading the word with blogs, videos, comments, and so on. We really appreciate your help, keep it up!
What's new?
Without further ado, let's have a look at the most significant updates:
- Multi-layer support for Container Images
- Helm support for Golang expressions
- Support DockerImage as output for OpenShift builds
- Improved Quarkus Health Check autoconfiguration
- Configuration options for Ingress Enricher
- and many more...
Multi-layer support for Container Images
Until now JKube pre-assembled everything needed to generate the container image in a temporary directory that was then added to the image with a single COPY
statement. This means that for any single change we do to the application code, this layer would change. This is especially inefficient for the Jib build strategy.
Since this release, we can define our image build model with several layer assemblies and improve this inefficiency by packaging different layers (dependencies, application slim jars, etc.). We've also updated the Quarkus Generator to take advantage of this new feature. Check the following demo for more details:
Support DockerImage as output for OpenShift builds
OpenShift Container Platform comes with an integrated container image registry. By default, when you build your image using OpenShift Maven Plugin and S2I strategy, the build configuration is set up to push into this internal registry.
JKube provides now the possibility to push the image to an external registry by leveraging OpenShift's Build output configuration.
The following property will enable this configuration. Check the embedded video for more details.
Using this release
If your project is based on Maven, you just need to add the Kubernetes Maven plugin or the OpenShift Maven plugin to your plugin dependencies:
How can you help?
If you're interested in helping out and are a first-time contributor, check out the "first-timers-only" tag in the issue repository. We've tagged extremely easy issues so that you can get started contributing to Open Source and the Eclipse organization.
If you are a more experienced developer or have already contributed to JKube, check the "help wanted" tag.
We're also excited to read articles and posts mentioning our project and sharing the user experience. Feedback is the only way to improve.
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