Learn how to configure the Maven Compiler Plugin to compile and run tests only on specific JDK versions.How to skip tests on specific JDK versions with Maven Compiler Plugin2025-01-14 in Java tagged Java / Maven / Testing / Test-Driven Development (TDD) by Marc Nuri
Learn how to streamline integration testing for your Kubernetes operators and controllers using the EnvTest package from controller-runtime.How to Test Kubernetes Applications in Go with EnvTest: A Practical Guide2023-11-27 in Go tagged Go / Kubernetes / kubectl / client-go / Testing / Test-Driven Development (TDD) / Operators by Marc Nuri
Guide to get started with Testcontainers for Go with a complete exampleGetting started with Testcontainers for Go2023-11-03 in Go tagged Go / Testcontainers / Testing / Test-Driven Development (TDD) / HTTP by Marc Nuri
How to test Gin-Gonic RESTful HTTP APIs using httptest package in GoTesting Go Gin Web Framework REST APIs with httptest2023-10-25 in Go tagged Go / Gin Web Framework / Testing / httptest / Test-Driven Development (TDD) by Marc Nuri
How to properly set up and tear down a Go unit test using Go's standard library for unit testingHow to set up and tear down unit tests in Go2023-10-12 in Go tagged Go / Testing / Test-Driven Development (TDD) by Marc Nuri
Post describing how to configure your Maven project pom.xml to be able to run JUnit and JUnit 5 tests leveraging Maven Surefire Plugin.JUnit 5 - How to run unit tests in Maven2023-08-29 in Java tagged Java / Testing / JUnit / JUnit 5 / Maven / Test-Driven Development (TDD) by Marc Nuri
Post describing how to disable test in JUnit5 leveraging the @Disabled annotation which is analogous to the JUnit4 @Ignore annotation.JUnit 5 - How to disable or ignore tests2023-08-25 in Java tagged Java / Quickie / Testing / JUnit / JUnit 5 / Test-Driven Development (TDD) by Marc Nuri