Marc Nuri - Blogging about business and technology (Page 7/11)

A thumbnail to represent the post React + Quarkus integration using Maven
JavaScript/React front-end and Java back-end application with Quarkus. Quarkus acts as an API gateway to serve FE static files or process other BE requests.

React + Quarkus integration using Maven

A thumbnail to represent the post Kubernetes 1.19 Ingress API from Java using YAKC
How to use YAKC to create a new Ingress using the new v1 API recently introduced in Kubernetes v1.19.0. Example to compare YAML vs. Java.

Kubernetes 1.19 Ingress API from Java using YAKC

A thumbnail to represent the post Quarkus + JKube: Qute template with markdown processing from different sources
In this post, I will show you how to use Qute, Quarkus templating engine, to render Markdown from different sources using flexmark-java.

Quarkus + JKube: Qute template with markdown processing from different sources

A thumbnail to represent the post Apache Camel used on a Kubernetes Cassandra cluster
Article to describe the behavior of the official Apache Camel Cassandra Kubernetes example highlighting the power of Eclipse JKube

Apache Camel used on a Kubernetes Cassandra cluster

A thumbnail to represent the post Building a GitHub Dependents Scraper with Quarkus and Picocli
Blog post, showing how to create a simple web scraper using Picocli and Quarkus to build a native binary that will scrape dependents for any GitHub project

Building a GitHub Dependents Scraper with Quarkus and Picocli

A thumbnail to represent the post Access the Kubernetes API from a Pod in Java
Tutorial explaining how to access the Kubernetes cluster REST API from inside a Pod using YAKC (Yet Another Kubernetes Client), Eclipse JKube, and Spring Boot.

Access the Kubernetes API from a Pod in Java

A thumbnail to represent the post Kubernetes Client for Java: Introducing YAKC
Introducing YAKC (Yet Another Kubernetes Client), a declarative Java REST client for Kubernetes API. Some examples and code snippets to get started.

Kubernetes Client for Java: Introducing YAKC

A thumbnail to represent the post Triggering GitHub Actions across different repositories
GitHub Actions repository_dispatch event: example showing how to trigger GitHub Actions workflows across different repositories

Triggering GitHub Actions across different repositories

A thumbnail to represent the post Quarkus + Fabric8 Maven Plugin + GraalVM integration
How to develop and integrate a very simple Quarkus application with Fabric8 Maven Plugin in order to publish a native GraalVM image into Docker Hub.

Quarkus + Fabric8 Maven Plugin + GraalVM integration

A thumbnail to represent the post Isotope Mail: How to deploy Isotope+Traefik into Kubernetes
Tutorial describing the process and configuration to deploy Isotope Mail Client with Traefik as an API gateway into a Kuberentes cluster.

Isotope Mail: How to deploy Isotope+Traefik into Kubernetes

A thumbnail to represent the post Fedora: How to install Cinnamon desktop environment
This blog post explains how to install Cinnamon desktop environment in a standard fedora distribution using dnf groupinstall.

Fedora: How to install Cinnamon desktop environment

A thumbnail to represent the post Gatsby: Disable source maps in production
Gatsby enables source map generation by default even in production mode, learn how to conditionally disable source maps for production environment.

Gatsby: Disable source maps in production